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About Casey

Casey has received extensive training at both the Rolf Institute for Structural Integration and the Guild for Structural Integration, culminating in certification as a Rolf Movement Practitioner and an Advanced Rolfer. She has also been inspired by training and experience in Biology (PhD, Yale University), Continuum with Emilie Conrad and Susan Harper, Hubert Godard’s Perception and Movement, Trager Movement Reeducation, Cranial Biodynamics, Massage Therapy, and a decade in science policy for a non-profit think tank at the National Academy of Sciences.

Casey uses all of these influences to augment her ability to communicate and teach clients about their inherent patterns of holding and movement patterns that interfere with proper alignment and function. Building awareness gives each client the ability to play an active role in changing patterns -- an important factor in maintaining long term change. Casey began her movement and bodywork practice in the Washington DC area in the early nineties. In 2000, she relocated her practice to Rhode Island for 18 years. Currently, she lives and practices in Asheville NC,


©2017, Copyright Casey Kiernan, Undercurrents

Csaey Kiernan PhD Advanced Rolfer, Asheville NC
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